Sunday 23 October 2016


feels like I haven't posted
anything for ages
that doesn't mean I haven't been busy

the needles and hooks
have been
firing off sparks!!!

make number seven
is a christmas make
for my brother

alice gave me this pattern
for my birthday,
she bought it at York minster

goswald of graveney st George

it was quite straightforward
but lots of fiddly bits,
if I can find my felt
he may get some toenails

the pattern is available here

am listening to
the new kate rusby album
life in a paper boat
and the audiobook
night waking
sarah moss

Tuesday 4 October 2016

# 6

number six
is a pair of gloves
for my cousin Steph

they were made in
crocodile or dragon's scales stitch

from this pattern

using Drops delight 4 ply wool

they look fabulous on!

at the moment I am reading
the lightning tree by emily woof
(a birthday pressie from jane and full of places I know)