Saturday 12 November 2016


 it seems ages since I posted (again!)
but that doesn't mean
I haven't been creative

its been a busy week
with lots of friends and family
visiting from near and far
which has been lovely
but apart from entertaining
I have been doing the
Paperlove ecourse
by Rachel Hazell

its been fun, interesting,
thought provoking
and instructive

so far we have just completed
week 3
some of the things
made are books, boxes
collages, decorated tape
 and written a haiku.

here are a few of them

I'm still knitting and crocheting
of course
but its great doing
something different and new

I'm currently reading
the miniaturist
by jessie burton
I've been unsure about it
but am halfway through so
may as well finish it now
and listening to
life in a paper boat
by kate rusby
(hence the decoration on the box)